What’s New.
Thank you for visiting the Ditchburn Jukebox Museum and coffee bar website. The Ditchburn Website and Museum is funded by its curator (Karl Dawson) and through donations from friends, visitors, and Ex-Ditchburn Employees. Please help us keep this slice of local history going for many generations to come. We accept donations via PayPal or contact us to find out other ways to donate. Please Click on the PayPal Button Below Museum update 10-05-25 WE ARE OPENING SOON We are very pleased to announce that the Ditchburn Jukebox Museum and Coffee Bar will be opening to the public from …. Opening Times Thursday 10am to 4pm Friday 10am to 4pm Saturday 10am to 4pm Sunday 10am to 4pm We will also open on Bank Holiday Mondays. Click on the “Museum Button” above to find out more We look forward to seeing you at The Ditchburn Jukebox Museum and Coffee Bar 19 Alexandria Drive St Anne’s Lytham St Anne’s FY81JF Museum update 10-05-24 Thanks for all the great comments and feedback we have been getting, The Good News is, we finally have a target date to open the Ditchburn Museum to the public, this will be on May 2025, and we are currently preparing for the opening, I have had to spend the last 6 months working outside the UK to fund the museum, but i have now finally handed my notice in to the company that i work for, to allow me to concentrate on the museum full time, We will have a coffee bar at the Museum when we open, this will help fund the exhibits and restorations that are currently taking place, and also subsidise our overheads, we are also planning on open days for schools and colleges and organised groups. We look forward to seeing you all at the Museum when we open, don’t forget you can also donate to the Museum to help us keep a great slice of local history alive and rocking, if you wish to help support us please donate via the PayPal link below every amount big or small will help us keep the Museum open.
Click on the yellow highlighted areas below to follow the links